Brick Ceramic + Design, 420 East 161st. Street Cleve. “Grand Opening!” 6-10pm. Featuring NOC’s own Val Grossman! Join us on May 1st as we celebrate the opening of BRICK Ceramic + Design Studio in the Waterloo Arts District of Collinwood in Cleveland, Ohio!
This event is free and open to the public! Refreshments will be served. Music will be provided René Schiffer of Apollo's Fire on cello, and a DJ set by Twizz later in the evening.
William Busta Gallery, 2731 Prospect Ave., Cleveland 216.298.9071 www.williambustagallery.com “Stephen Yusko(Image Above), sculpture, Andrea Joki, Paintings, Enid Williams, Paintings, Pop-Up Gallery.” Opening 5-9pm.
Maria Neil Art Project, 15813 Waterloo Rd. Cleveland, www.marianeilartproject.org, 216.481.7722 “Barbara Stanford: Imperceptible Paradigm.” Opening 5-10pm.
Harris-Stanton Gallery 2301 West Market Street, Akron, 330.867.7600, www.harrisstantongallery.com “28th International Exhibition.” Opening 5:30-8:30.
Orange Art Center, 31500 Chagrin Boulevard, Pepper Pike, 216.831.5130, www.orangeartcenter.org “Mini Print Fair.”
Upcoming Workshop May 2nd!